Home workout items for beginners to exercise

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Home workout items for beginners to exercise. Even though he intended to turn to exercise But the gym was closed because of COVID-19, but that’s fine. And this is a shopping list for anyone who wants to start exercising at home. But don’t know what to buy, THE STANDARD POP has been compiled for you with a few pointers.

Home workout items

1.Yoga mat

In any case, you have to buy and choose wisely.

A basic item that anyone interested in exercising at home should have a home. Because you can do a variety of exercises on a yoga mat. Whether it’s yoga, Pilates, bodyweight, or HIIT yoga mats, if you’re shopping for time, we advise you to invest in a good quality one. Because a good quality yoga mat will have good grip on the floor Helps to support your back against injury when exercising in a lying position. And does not move around to annoy you when exercising Easy cleaning And can be used for a long time, too

2. Dumbbell

If used until it starts to feel that it is too light Can gain weight

When exercising for a while You should add more weight to make the workout more difficult by carrying a dumbbell during exercise. We recommend that you start with a low-weight dumbbell that you can hold without getting too tired, like a 0.5kg or 1kg dumbbell. Can continue to increase the weight In addition to dumbbells, it helps exercise to build muscles more efficiently. It can also be a measure for you to see how strong you are.

3.Resistance Band

Increase resistance to exercise The bottom molding must be attached to the house.

If you are tired of dumbbells Or you just want to sculpt your bottom, Resistance Bands are a must-have item for you to attach to your yoga mat. Of course, there are different types of Resistance Bands. Whether it is a long exercise that can be used for all parts of the exercise Or those designed specifically for butt sculpting, wearing a Resistance Band during exercise will help you build muscle more effectively.

4. Hula Hoop

Choose one that can adjust the weight. So that you don’t have to change it often

Hula Hoop, the most popular exercise equipment that is hot in this moment. Is another item that you should have at home. Because the hula hoop is an exercise equipment that makes exercising fun and not boring and can build abdominal muscles well. Because you will have to contract your stomach all the time. That hula hoop selection You should choose one that is not too light. From 1.5 kg to 2 kg first, or choose the one that can adjust the weight. You don’t have to change it often.

5. Jump rope

In addition to helping to strengthen muscles. Also helps to practice meditation

Another exercise equipment that is just as powerful as the hula hoop is a skipping rope. Because it is an easy and fun exercise. Besides losing weight, it also helps to practice meditation. Choosing a rope, you should choose a long size first. Because you can adjust later A good size of rope is the size when you step on the center of the rope and pull it up. The handle of the rope is located at the armpit. As for the weight, it should be the right fit. If it is too light, it will be difficult to control. But if it is too heavy, it can tire your wrist.