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Category Archives: Beauty and health lifestyle

How can you live healthy with thalassemia or anemia ?

Thalassemia is a genetic anemia cause by a defect in hemoglobin synthesis in red blood cells. Resulting in abnormalities in red blood cells, resulting in low red blood cell production, short-lived red blood cells that break easily, and a lack of red blood cells that transport

How dangerous is picking your ears with a cotton swabs?

Most people use ear picks or cotton swabs to remove or clean out earwax. These tools can damage the inner ear and puncture the eardrum. In addition, too much earwax can sometimes cause abnormalities.  Using cotton swabs or cotton swabs to clean the ears will

How to consume granola to get the benefits?

Various grains, granola is a food from various grains, especially oats, mixed with nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and dried fruits, baked with honey or natural syrup until crispy. It is high in energy and rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins

How to choose foods to avoid acid reflux

Anyone who experiences acid reflux more than two times a week, and symptoms often last for several weeks, may be at risk for gastroesophageal reflux disease, which can interfere with daily life and lead to other complications. Avoiding certain foods and drinks that trigger acid

Easily digestible food that is good for digestive health

Easily digestible foods take a shorter time to digestive and absorb nutrients into the body, which may help reduce the workload on the stomach and intestines, relieve stomach discomfort from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and diverticulitis. If

What are the health benefits of Grapefruit ?

Get to know Grapefruit is a sour fruit that is not only beneficial for refreshing the body. But also helps relieve fatigue, helps strengthen the immune system, prevents. And treats colds, inhibits the growth of cancer cells, helps control blood sugar levels. It is suitable for diabetics, and