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what level of back pain

what level of back pain … should do medical attention.

what level of back pain … should do medical attention..If there is back pain for a long time And observe yourself how much pain you have By the level of pain from the back pain. Starting from mild to a severe level that affects daily life, such as pain

What is the risk of back pain

What is the risk of back pain? Is it Office Syndrome?

What is the risk of back pain? Is it Office Syndrome? Back pain can happen to many people. And affect daily life until thinking that it is normal Especially among office workers who are stationary for a long time It may be thought to be the result of

positive people and negative people

What is the difference between “positive people and negative people”?

What is the difference between “positive people and negative people”? Do you ever wonder if? You or yourself or those around you are “positive, optimistic” or “negative, pessimistic”. Let’s check.When you encounter a mistake Positive or optimistic people: Admit their mistakes. And show responsibility Negative or pessimistic

Be positive and optimistic

Be positive and optimistic How good is life?

Be positive and optimistic How good is life? As we all know, positive thinking makes us happy. In fact, it also has a positive effect on physical and mental health as well. Good things will definitely happen to us when we turn into positive people. Have good physical

Leave negative thinking

Leave negative thinking

Leave negative thinking is what Many successful people say. Thoughts can define a person’s life. It is important to be known to be optimistic. Many people misunderstand that a positive person is a beautiful world. But in truth, positive people are people who still view everything the way it

should never let anyone know

should never let anyone know

1. Brag about things that you use. In fact, you shouldn’t brag about things you use too much. Because it could be viewed as materialistic. But anyway, people can still live the dream. Just try to be a little more humble. 2. Past grievances Leave these behind and

understanding the meaning of life

Understanding the meaning of life as a couple

Add sugar to love By understanding the meaning of life as a couple ‘Couple life’ when dating for a long time Sweetness must have some fading. But if you want to let love go on smoothly and sustainably, do you know that you just know the meaning of

personality traits of a good co-worker

5 personality traits of a good co-worker

5 personality traits of a good co-worker . In work, of course, if we come across a bad society, meet a colleague that can’t be trusted, it will make us feel unhappy and hate Monday by default. On the other hand, if a great working society Meet

Dark side of love

Dark side of love

Dark side of love That may not be as beautiful as many people thought. It is said that “love” is like a beautiful red rose. Looks outside, charming and mesmerizing. But at the same time If handled carelessly May be stabbed by a thorn.  Therefore, it should not be too

our bodies need collagen.

A good reason why our bodies need collagen.

A good reason why our bodies need collagen. It is believed that many people would know the collagen as well. But did you know that among the various information we believe collagen. There are both right and wrong from the real qualities and Do you know that the